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A Thrilling Comeback Rtl Returns To Formula 1 In 2024

A Thrilling Comeback: RTL Returns to Formula 1 in 2024

Get Ready for an Unforgettable Season

Prepare for the adrenaline-pumping return of Formula 1 to RTL in 2024! After an electrifying start to the season, the Grand Prix de Monaco signals the highly anticipated arrival of RTL, promising a captivating season filled with gripping races and unforgettable moments.

Ferrari's Leclerc Dominates Monaco Opener

The Monaco Grand Prix commenced with a resounding victory for Ferrari's rising star, Charles Leclerc. His masterful performance set the stage for an exhilarating season ahead. Meanwhile, reigning champion Max Verstappen will undoubtedly be looking to make his mark at Monaco, a track notorious for its unforgiving challenges and unparalleled prestige.
