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Amal Clooney

Amal Clooney: A Global Human Rights Advocate

Early Life and Education

Amal Clooney (née Alamuddin) was born on February 3, 1978, in Lebanon. She holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from St. Hugh's College, Oxford, and a Master of Laws degree from New York University School of Law.

Career in International Law

Amal Clooney specializes in international law and human rights. She represents clients before international courts, including the International Criminal Court (ICC). She has also advised governments and organizations on human rights issues.

Recent News

In 2023, Amal Clooney revealed that she had reviewed the ICC prosecutor's investigation that led to the request for an arrest warrant for a former Sudanese official accused of genocide. She also advised the prosecutor on the investigation into the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Amal Clooney's work as a human rights advocate has garnered international recognition and admiration. She has been named one of the world's most influential lawyers and has received numerous awards for her contributions to the field of human rights.
